Home Care

Cosmetic Reconstruction Home Care

It is important for patients to remember that after they have received a cosmetic reconstruction procedure it will take time to adjust to the feel of things. When the position of your teeth has changed due to a new bite, it will take the brain a few days to identify the new position of the teeth. However if after several days you still feel uncomfortable please give us a call. We will then set up a follow-up appointment to adjust it to your comfort.

It is absolutely normal to experience some sensitivity to hot and cold. You may also experience gum sensitivity and soreness this is also to be expected. A warm water salt rinse (cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt) can be used up to three times a day and will help to reduce swelling. Patients are also able to take Tylenol or ibuprofen every few hours to help alleviate any pain or discomfort.

If you notice a slight difference in your speech, do not be alarmed. An alteration in speech is common and should only last for a couple of days. Once you properly acclimated you will go back to speaking normally. You might even notice an increase in salivation. This is to be expected as your brain is still adjusting to the new shape and size of your mouth.

Continue to brush and floss your teeth daily as this is paramount to the success of your new teeth. Minimize or refrain from chewing or eating any foods or drinks that can crack and/ or stain your teeth such as coffee, wine, berries, tea, ice, and other types or hard candy.

If you participate in sports it is important that you let us know so that we can make a custom mouthguard. As an extra precaution, it is recommended for patients who grind their teeth at night to wear the night guard provided to you.

Dental Crown and Bridge Home Care

If you are a patient that is receiving a temporary crown or bridge this page is section is for you. You have likely received a crown or bridge to protect your teeth while your custom restoration is being made. For this procedure, the teeth will be anesthetized. As a result, patients will experience numbness in the tongue, the roof of the mouth, and lips. It is recommended that you refrain from drinking or eating anything hot during this time.

In order to keep your temporary bridge or crown in place, we ask that you avoid tacky food such as gum and some types of hard foods. Try chewing on the opposite side of the mouth from where the bridge or crown is. If your bite feels uneven or you are experiencing any pain please give us a call. If your crown or bridge ever comes off, call us as soon as you can so that we can re-cement the temporary crown or bridge.

Call our top-rated dental office in Spring Hill FL with any more questions you may have.